Ultimate Text-To-Video Prompt Generator Custom GPT
The Ultimate Text-To-Video Prompt Generator Custom GPT is designed to help you create high-quality video content efficiently.Advertising
AiArt @aiart
Custom ChatGPT https://chat.openai.com/g/g-EIHy0So99-awesome-story-writer
🌟Awesome Story Writer is the ultimate custum ChatGPT for writers seeking inspiration for their creative endeavors. With a curated Style List boasting 450 unique prompts,
🌟Awesome Story Writer provides an extensive array of ideas to ignite your storytelling journey. Whether you're a novelist, screenwriter, or content creator,
🌟Awesome Story Writer empowers you to unleash your imagination and craft captivating narratives with ease.
AiArt @aiart
The style.csv file contains 49 styles.
X/Y/Z Plot where you can see how styles work:
https://lensdump.com/i/Tzuvak On Rebel
https://lensdump.com/i/TzuFiP On a mad scientist
Caution heavy pictures.
To add styles to your automation just place the style.csv file in the root folder of your stable-diffusion-webui.