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This captivating artwork series, "Whispers of the Sky," blends the ethereal with the earthly, highli...
This captivating series of digital artworks explores the intricate relationship between humanity, na...
"Tentacled Nightmare" is a high-quality digital art that brings a surreal and haunting scene to life...
In a fantastical universe where steampunk meets surrealism, a colossal octopus oversees the cosmic g...
Ya Cat with galaxy eyes plastik toy in pink room
Painting, surrealism, magical realism, Technique: Oil, feelings, Turning Point
Painting, surrealism, magical realism, Technique: Oil, Orange Man
Painting, surrealism, magical realism, Technique: Oil, Family photo
Painting, surrealism, magical realism, Technique: Oil, Lift up your head
Painting, surrealism, magical realism, Technique: Oil, TV watching
Painting, surrealism, magical realism, Technique: Oil, Imagination
Painting, surrealism, magical realism, Technique: Oil, Mutant
Painting, surrealism, magical realism, Technique: Oil, fish
(The Old Man and the Sea) Painting, surrealism, magical realism, Technique: Oil, feelings